"It offers great programs that stimulate my children both physically and academically."
- Parent, Halifax
How to Get Involved

  • If your child is in one of the schools we serve or is home-schooled, they can join our afterschool programs at any time. Contact the Wings office or the school site coordinator for more information.
  • If you are an adult interested in sharing a talent, skill, or passion with young people, consider becoming a program leader. Contact the Wings office or the school site coordinator.
  • If you are interested in helping to guide the growth and direction of Wings Community Programs, consider becoming a representative of your town on the Wings Advisory Board. Contact the Wings office.

Wings Super Staff contact information

Halifax School-Co Site Coordinators
Christine Stafford- cstafford@halifaxschool.net
Sarah Barnett- mr_mrsbarnett@hotmail.com

Readsboro-Co Site Coordinators
Rosa Whelpley & Ashley Blevins

TVES- Co Site Coordinators
Sage Myska - smyska@dves.k12.vt.us
Jill Sachs- jsachs@dves.k12.vt.us

Shannon Trumble- sftrumble@gmail.com

Wings Co Directors-
Katie Boyd- katieboyd.wings@gmail.com
Keli Gould- keligould.wings@gmail.com